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CodeLink v1
k guys, all i have left to do is the save game feature and a scoring / ranking system. ill be posting a demo sometime at the beginning of next week.

marv, ill PM u a link to pre demo release and the server admin tool.
Whoa! That looks really cool! I might be able to help you out with a few server scripts, if you still need some. I wish I could draw gfx like that! This game seems like it's got some good, fact-based background to it, rather than just a bunch of sci-fi stuff that is in movies sometimes. BTW, if you're gonna put it in the 80's, did 56k modems exist yet? You said the max speed was 128K with dual modems, but that would require 56kbps on each, and I thought those weren't available until the mid 90's.

Oh, and will there be any cool 80's rock on there? Wink
well, actually theres no max to anything in the game... once you beat it, u get access to create whatever u want, so u could make a 2 gig processor if you wanted to.

although the game is semi reality based, there are alot of aspects involed in the game that in no way replicate real hacking. its just a game so the impossible becomes possible.

the editor ill give u guy to build servers is 95% done. i just have a few more small things to put in. im also putting together a scripting help file along with various server demos so you can get a feel for what can be done.

some features include...
-loading external images u create into the server.
-creating your own software names and versions. including spec and cost
-creating original motherboards and graphics for them. including specs and cost
-making LINES, BUTTONs and BOXES.
-changing, background colors, text colors, text size.
-special buttons like, disconnect, proxy, and reset
-create data files, used in game plot
-create (TXT ADVENTURE STYLE) chat logs to emmulate chatrooms.
-edit server security settings, everything from logins, to log traces.

basically, the scripting is capable of creating just about anything u want for a server. it has its limits, but there is always a work around.

the demo / script helper release will include examples of a
Software Shop, Hardware Shop, Proxy, File Server, Search Engine, Database, Plot Server , Advanced Secure Server.

i should have everything ready by 2moro night, so check back for PM's

script list
' (GO):Name                             4 letter location to jump to in the datfile
' (STALL):##                            2 digit number, the stall seconds
' (CLEAR)                               wipes the text screen clear
' (STOP)                                stops the data, and waits for a key press
' (LINE):color                          draws a divider line
' (BIG)                                 large title font
' (COLOR):###                           changes the font color
' (SEL)(B):PROXY SERVER                 select option LABLE and mode # for button
' (SEL)(B):DISCONNECT                   select option LABLE and mode # for button
' (SEL)(B):RESET                        resets game after being busted
' (SEL)(L):(LINK):GOTO:Button text      GOTO is the file lable, button text appears on the button.
' (BANK),ID#,Button lable,funds
' (SECURE):#:value1:value2:lable        security level mode # (0-9) value1 and 2: label is where to go if passed
' (EXIT)(B)  
' (SHOP):Name,Ver,Type,Size,Cost        Starts shop mode you must pay for this item
' (FILE):Name,Ver,Type,Size,Cost        these are free to download
' (HARD),Name,value1,type,value2,cost   adds hardware upgrade item
' (TRACE):Seconds                       seconds til trace
' (PROGRESS):##:title,mode              starts a progress bar, ## of seconds, and title of the window
' (IMAGE):name.img,x,y,size             places an image on the screen
' (LOGS):#                              displayes set number of logs
' (SOUND):#                             makes sound
' (ADDLINK):LABEL                       adds a link to the link list
' (BOX),x,y,len,wid,color               makes a box on the screen
' (BGCOL):###                           changes the background color window to color ###
' (BUST)                                forces a BUSTED event        
' (CREDIT):#####                        adds or removes  +- ##### credits from user account

' (PLOT)
' (CONSOLE):cmd
Some company name suggestions:

Network solutions

h4x0rz |\|3+vv0rx s3rV3r
-Currently down

!Me lawyers
-If youre guilty or not depends on your lawyer

HOTT spice import
-selling everything from chili to rocket fuel

Virtual berber market

"Some" of these isn't very serious names but
the player could need a laugh sometimes...
hehe... l33t r0x0rz
sorry for the delay guys, been busy with work and couldn't get around to codelink much these past few weeks. but i did manage to clean up alot and kill 99.9% of the bugs.

i didn't get around to making a FAQ yet, but you guys are quite sure you will figure it out, its very simple. however, i will be posting a faq here on the reply below, and will update it when i can.

if you have questions, ask away Smile if you need serious help, or have an idea for a server that requires assistance email me here.

keep in mind a few things. the game engine is functional, however i turned off a few small things for this beta version.

heres the download link
Syntax reference

(CLEAR) - clears the screen and resets the text scroll position to the top.
(GO):goto - causes the server to jump to another location without pausing.
(BACK)(B):goto - creates the server BACK button, which poinbts to the GOTO location.
(STOP) - stops the script and adds the 'key' graphic while waiting for a keypress
(STALL):## - stalls for a number of seconds... good for effects
(EXIT)(B) - creates the server 'X' button, alowing u to disconnect.
(LINE):### - draws a <HR> divider line with the specified color.
(COLOR):### - changes the text and button text color.
(BIG):Server Title Text - creates BIG txt on the screen.
(IMAGE):name.img,x,y,size - load the image 'NAME.IMG' and places it on the X,Y cords. allocates ###### of memory for the SIZE.
(PROGRESS):##:Box Title - make a progress bar appear and waits ## of seconds to complete.
(SOUND):## - plays a PC speaker SOUND (1-9)
(SEL)(B):disconnect - special (more aparent) desconnect button
(SEL)(B):proxy server - allows you to BOUNCE thru the server as a proxy
(SEL)(B):reset - resets the connections. (Good for plot effects)
(SEL)(L)SadLINK):GOTO:buttontext - user defined link that jumps to the GOTO when clicked.

(BANK),ID#,Button lable,funds,goto"
(SECURE),6,log user,none,none"


How do I make a Server?

1) from the main codelink master admin screen, click the +ADD NEW SERVER button located at the bottom left of the screen.

2) select a map location for your new server. do this by clicking on any area inside the light blue border of the map. this will place the cords for your server x and y position for the game.
*NOTE: if the location is a duplicate of an existing server, you will recieve an error message and be asked to select a new location for this server.

3) Enter a name for the NEW server. this name CAN be a duplicate name of another server.


How do I create a new MODULE PAGE for that server?

MODULE PAGES are like webpages of a website. you can link between them, display information on them, sell programs and services on them.

1) First, select the server you wish to add / edit module pages to by clicking on it from the server directory list.

2) Select the +ADD MODULE button at the bottom left of the screen.

3) Enter a LABEL for the page. The LABEL is a unique 4 character ID for this page. YOU CANNOT USE DUPLICATE LABELS ON ANY SERVERS OR BETWEEN THEM. this will cause game errors.

Now you can edit scripting on that MODULE PAGE by clicking on it from the Module list.


How do I add security to a server?

simple, by using the (SECURE) tag, you can define what type and level of security the server has. for example a LVL 1 login would look like this...


this command will prompt the user to enter a username and password. or attempt to crack it by using a password cracker.

1 is the security level for user login... (7) is the same thing, but doesnt allow a password cracker to be used. (level 7 logins are great for plot, where u are prevented from login until u steal, buy, or brute force crack the UN and PW. the HRE4 is the label to goto IF you get the correct usename and pass.


can you stack security tags? to increase the server security?

YES!, this is a must if you want to create fun servers. by stacking security levels, you can make it more difficult to hack that server. it requires you have the proper software and hardware needed for a successful hack. however, be clever about it...
dont do this....
this will never work.... why? because once you login the username and pass for the lvl 1 login... you jump to the JAC1 page. completely skipping the other security. the correct way to do this is to break apart security levels onto separate pages.


how do logs work?

user log files are the foundation of the game. by removing them, you keep your profile low and unknown... the more logs you leave behind, the more chance of getting caught u have. so.....
when you want to log the user on a server... use security level 6

now, to view logs on a server, use this tag
this will display the 10 most recent logs on a server.


How can i create my own shop?

when creating a shop for codelink, i suggest copying the item you wish to sell from jace's computer shop and pasting it into the server of your choice. however, you CAN create your own items. there are limitations on what you can create. if you want to create a completely new program that really doesnt 'DO' anything other than alot you to pass thru plot triggers... (EXAMPLE: I want to create a DNA tester program that cost 5000$, and u need this program to complete mission 13...). However, you can also create new versions of existing programs that will preform an action against security lvls (EXAMPLE: I want to make a lvl 9 firewall bypasser called FIRESHAKE.EXE)... all of this is possible if you follow the parameters below.

1) the program name CANNOT be more than 15 characters long

2) you MUST create a graphic icon for your program (unless its an upgrade of an existing version***) the icons are named as follows
P_NAME.img , please note that 'NAME' is the first 4 characters of the program name. (EXAMPLE: P_PASS.img is the icon representing the PASSword cracking programs.)

*** when creating existing program upgrades, keep in mind the ICON uses the first 4 characters of the program name to determine what image will represent that program... so if i wanted to create a FIREWALL BYPASS lvl 9, the first 4 characters = 'FIRE' so the image used will be P_FIRE.img . as long as the first 4 characters are correct, you can create as many upgrades as you like. here are a few VALID firewall upgrade names...
(an example of a BAD name would be WATERFIRE.EXE, because the first 4 characters are NOT = to 'FIRE' . in this case you would have to create an icon called P_WATE.img.

3) ALL PROGRAMS MUST END WITH .EXE or you will not be able to install them.

heres the sysntax. (caps doesnt matter, everything is UCASEd automatically)

'item' ,programname , version , type , file size , cost , where to go after u buy.

NOTE: if you use the (FILE) tag instead of SHOP.... you will NOT be charged for the itmes cost.

PASS - password crackers
FIRE - firewall bypassers
PROX - proxy bypassers
MONI - Monitor bypassers
LOGD - Logdeleters
DATA - Data readers
TRAC - tracers
TRAN - credit transfers
DECO - decoder keys


How does the TRACE work?

the (TRACE):60 command is very simple. by placing this command on a server, you activate an active trace. this means you only have a set number of seconds before the server admin disconnects you. in the above example, 60 represents 60 seconds, so you will have 1 minute to preform the hack before being disconnected... logged...and fined 1000 credits.

however, as you bounce thru proxies, your trace time is multiplied as more bounce points are used. a (TRACE):60 may turn into 4 minutes of time if you bounce thru a few proxies before connecting.

*bouncing thru the connected server DOES NOT kill the trace. you MUST disconnect from that server to block the trace.
Nice with big n!
This is the best gui i've seen done in qbasic!

Some critics though (constructive criticism is always good right? :wink: )
  • It looks like this is a pure QB program (I've not checked the code
    much at all) but the screen flics everytime it's redrawn (when I click
    buttons etc.)
    It might be good to try out some libs...

    Nobody likes pc speaker :wink: . However it's used so little so it
    dont matter (It's nearly good to have it there rather than having
    all "hardware" control sounds coming from some high level

    Also In the code editor some buttons that looks like buttons just
    dont seem to be buttons (eehh crappy formulation, I know)...

    Also when I (in my stupidity) tried to log in whith a name that
    dont exist I get some file not found error and the program ends
    would be nice with some error checking there...

Oh... I just remembered it's just beta release...

Is there any tutorials for creating/editing/programming the
servers/pages/modules etc?

Dont take this post as an insult, I'm only trying to help,
but I will kill you if you dont finish this! j/k :lol: :wink:
Is there any chance of being one of your beta testers for codelink guru? I would love to help.

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