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Drawing Flames
Quote:Very nice Sterling
However i didnt quite get some of the math you were doing so i edited the rules so that you need remarks
Ok, remarks edited in. Sorry about that :oops:
MS Calc?... :lol:

You don't need binary codes that start with zero. It would be the same as writing an ordinary number like 34 as:
00000000000...infinity zeros...00000034.

And about backwards printing, that's nonsense...
Input this number: 60000
You get: 11101010 01100000
which is perfect for 60000.

Or this: 100000000
You get: 101 11110101 11100001 00000000
which is also correct for 100000000.
lol i checked my ms calc at home and it was working right :oops: .The calc at my school was messed up... or mabye i was being dyslexlic(sp?)....
his world has been connected...
Tied to the darkness.
Soon to be completely eclipsed.
There is so very much to learn...
You understand so little.
A meaningless effort.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
-Ansem Bringer of darkness and creator of the heartless
I'm in cisco as well, semester 3....only one more and I can get my CCNA. Actually, I'm in that class right now, sitting here on forums when I should be studying their crazy material... 8)
[Image: freebasic.png]
Umm. . . I don't mean 2 bother the awesum posts in this topik, but shouldn't this get back on topik?
974277320612072617420666C61696C21 (Hexadecimal for those who don't know)
lol i was just about to say that. Is anyone else going to attempt this? Cause i am still confused on any math that you could use to do this.
his world has been connected...
Tied to the darkness.
Soon to be completely eclipsed.
There is so very much to learn...
You understand so little.
A meaningless effort.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
-Ansem Bringer of darkness and creator of the heartless

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