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Screen 13 small fonts
is it possible to use screen 13 for small fonts, what is the code, please?? Smile
How small?
Kevin (x.t.r.GRAPHICS)

[Image: 11895-r.png]
well....i don't have code, but i do have a method.

it would be easiest to use PP256 (search around and you'll find it), and create your own font.....then use PUT (posx, posy) for each char....

thank you, oz Big Grin
thank you, oz Big Grin
Or you could use my generic font editor, if you don't need the font to have multiple colors. It can import Win3.x .fon files. It comes with a few, as well as sample fonts (and sample code to draw them) of other formats:
the problem with screen 13 is that each pixel is too big, its hard to make a small font for screen 13, i tried, but if u have any luck can i use it too
How do you change the font fb uses as it's default, then there would be no need for PP256.
FB has nothing to do with the font used. The generic windows/dos console uses that font, and there is no way to change that.
quote="Deleter"]judging gameplay, you can adaquately compare quake 4 with pong[/quote]
Torahteen: He's speaking about Screen 13, not console.
At the moment, FB does not provide a way to change fonts.

Some years ago, Biskbart used this 5x4 font and print routine in his demos:
'5x4 font for screen 13, by Biskbart. QB version
declare SUB PrintC (X%, Y%, Texte$, Couleur%, Segment&, Offset&)
screen 13
dim shared xmax&,ymax&
DIM SHARED Police%(0 TO 62)
printc 10,10,"5,4,3,2,1, Hello, world!, ABCDEFGHIJKLMN",15,&ha000,0&
'Font 5x4 defined by 5 octal digits bottom line (msd) to top line (lsd)
'Implemented Chr 32 to chr 96, only caps
'    SP   1   "      #     $     %    &      '    (     )      *    +
DATA 0,08338,00045,24445,32223,21157,15018,00018,08778,10530,02728,01488
'      ,     -     .     /     0     1     2    3     4     5     6
DATA 05120,00448,08192,05268,11114,18740,29351,31143,18926,31183,31695
'      7     8     9     :     ;     <     =     >     ?     @     A
DATA 04775,10922,31215,01040,05136,17492,03640,05393,08615,29695,23535
'      B     C     D     E     F    G      H     I     J     K     L
DATA 15083,29263,15211,29391,04815,31311,23533,09362,11044,23277,29257
'      M     N     O     P     Q    R      S     T     U     V     W
DATA 23421,24573,11114,05103,15215,22511,31183,09367,31597,11117,24429
'      X     Y     Z     [     \    ]    ^
DATA 23213,09389,29351,29263,17553,31015,&o52
SUB PrintC (X%, Y%, Texte$, Couleur%, Segment&, Offset&)
if police%(1)=0 then  
  RESTORE Data.Police
  FOR I% = 0 TO 62: READ Police%(I%): NEXT I%
end if
DEF SEG = Segment&
   P1&=Offset&+ 320&*Y%+x%
   FOR I% = 1 TO LEN(Texte$)
    P2% = police%(ASC(MID$(Texte$, I%, 1)) - 32)
    FOR J% = 0 TO 4
     FOR K% = 0 TO 2
      ' A optimiser que diable !!!
      IF &H1 AND P2% THEN POKE p&+ K%, Couleur%
      P2% = P2% \ 2
     NEXT K%
    NEXT J%
end sub
BTW: Police is Font in french! Big Grin

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