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Considering a new language
Quote:Don't linger on. C is the answer. Forget anything else. C. C. C. (hypnosis) C. C. C...

#define c int
#define CCC main
#define cC printf
#define CC for

c CCC() {
  c cc = 0xc, Cc;
  CC(Cc = 0; Cc < cc; Cc++) {
    cC("Do C Do C Do C Do C Do %c Do %c Do C Do C Do C Do C ",
          cc*6-5, cc*6-5);

C, C is ease-C. ;-)

Do you code every program of yours in that style??? :wink:
Quote:Do you code every program of yours in that style???

Whats wrong with the code, its well structured, nicely indented, ANSI C complaint, looks perfectly fine after preprocessing....oh wait, you're complaining because I made it non-portable by relying on the ascii character set. So, in answer to your question, no, I usually write portable code ;-)
esus saves.... Passes to Moses, shoots, he scores!
LooseCaboose: LOL!

#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define __ "Y\n : ! ,.?>"
#define D(f) ; } int f(int i) { return
#define E(a,b,c,d,e) b##d,c,e,a
#define e(a,b,c,d) a##b##c##d
#define B *p++ - ' ' || !p++
#define _(k) o(*#k - 64)
#define G(g,l,k,o,e,d,n,c,i,b,a,f,j,m,p) \
a#b#c#d#e#f#g#a#i#j#k#l#m#n#o e,i l##c,m##b; d g j n h(k 30:1); o p f}

            G(E(f ( 9) -s
                ? -s + 'q'
                ? f( 5 ) -s &&'d' -
                   s?U(  3 ) ||_(J)
                :A ( s- f( 5 ))
                :(c= 4 *


        V)c <= 3 *4 + 3&&c && V(X ( i) ) ;

    int , time ( 0)& , c - 15 || P


    & ( !!d        ( 0 )
      ||(a=! _(S)) ,b= 0 )||
        ?d(a  = 0)
            ? _
(I):            w ( j =!W(j=_ (V ))) ,

                    (Y+ s ) )

        ;;;s , ra,
     n, d), && C ( j +R( s-j+t( i- 1) )
           )D( W)m[ c* 4| z( j ) ]
        &&_( X )E (d       ( 0
               )&&  R( 6)/ 6
               ? c= 17|_ ( T )
                   , v =i & 3 ^ 2
                   ,+j & 3&&W ( j)||y ( 10 )D (k) --
                   j ? k ( O[j]=R(15 ))
: 1 D
             ( H )o ( 7+! !  i+3 )+


    c=i /4 & 63,
    a= 1


    D ( f )( p =M ,q ( i),*p+86)
    D ( l) * f, B?

               B ?B ?B? B ?B ?B
         ?7 :B?B ?36: 59 * 89 *5 * 2 :B?6587
         *77 :9 + 2:B ?B?B?9: 5 : 37 : B ? 5 +5:4:20:

          :e( 4, 3 , 1 *4 * 59  * 1 , 7):B?
                   17: 34 : 19 :B ?
                      8 *2 :B ?
                      2:26: B?
                       B?B ?B ?

    82 *+ 576: B ?33 :22  :5 * 5:3 *4 :3:B ?B ?B? B ?6 +
    + 17 : B?B?13:6 : 9 *2:B?15 : 7 *2 :

                 B ?
                 B ?
                27:24: 31 : B?

          B? +  29 :,
          m [a^ 2  ] =T( 8 * 7) ;j= 3
          Q, ;int
           P ( int
          i )

      {time_t(x )                =+ 0+
    time(0) ;                       j=E( u (i  ) : i D(R )e(r ,

(code by Jason,
SCUMM (the band) on Myspace!
ComputerEmuzone Games Studio
underBASIC, homegrown musicians

I think you've just scared the poor guy off C for life Smile
In a world without walls and doors, who needs Windows and Gates?
Quote:LooseCaboose: LOL!

#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define __ "Y\n : ! ,.?>"
#define D(f) ; } int f(int i) { return
#define E(a,b,c,d,e) b##d,c,e,a
#define e(a,b,c,d) a##b##c##d
#define B *p++ - ' ' || !p++
#define _(k) o(*#k - 64)
#define G(g,l,k,o,e,d,n,c,i,b,a,f,j,m,p) \
a#b#c#d#e#f#g#a#i#j#k#l#m#n#o e,i l##c,m##b; d g j n h(k 30:1); o p f}

            G(E(f ( 9) -s
                ? -s + 'q'
                ? f( 5 ) -s &&'d' -
                   s?U(  3 ) ||_(J)
                :A ( s- f( 5 ))
                :(c= 4 *


        V)c <= 3 *4 + 3&&c && V(X ( i) ) ;

    int , time ( 0)& , c - 15 || P


    & ( !!d        ( 0 )
      ||(a=! _(S)) ,b= 0 )||
        ?d(a  = 0)
            ? _
(I):            w ( j =!W(j=_ (V ))) ,

                    (Y+ s ) )

        ;;;s , ra,
     n, d), && C ( j +R( s-j+t( i- 1) )
           )D( W)m[ c* 4| z( j ) ]
        &&_( X )E (d       ( 0
               )&&  R( 6)/ 6
               ? c= 17|_ ( T )
                   , v =i & 3 ^ 2
                   ,+j & 3&&W ( j)||y ( 10 )D (k) --
                   j ? k ( O[j]=R(15 ))
: 1 D
             ( H )o ( 7+! !  i+3 )+


    c=i /4 & 63,
    a= 1


    D ( f )( p =M ,q ( i),*p+86)
    D ( l) * f, B?

               B ?B ?B? B ?B ?B
         ?7 :B?B ?36: 59 * 89 *5 * 2 :B?6587
         *77 :9 + 2:B ?B?B?9: 5 : 37 : B ? 5 +5:4:20:

          :e( 4, 3 , 1 *4 * 59  * 1 , 7):B?
                   17: 34 : 19 :B ?
                      8 *2 :B ?
                      2:26: B?
                       B?B ?B ?

    82 *+ 576: B ?33 :22  :5 * 5:3 *4 :3:B ?B ?B? B ?6 +
    + 17 : B?B?13:6 : 9 *2:B?15 : 7 *2 :

                 B ?
                 B ?
                27:24: 31 : B?

          B? +  29 :,
          m [a^ 2  ] =T( 8 * 7) ;j= 3
          Q, ;int
           P ( int
          i )

      {time_t(x )                =+ 0+
    time(0) ;                       j=E( u (i  ) : i D(R )e(r ,

(code by Jason,

Yeah, yeah...that is called creative coding!!! :rotfl:
Pip wrote:

I think you've just scared the poor guy off C for life Smile
No, but I think there is a bit of an inside joke going on that I don't get. (I guess I'll have to learn C).
hrist Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am first.(I Timothy 1:15)

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.(John 3:16)
Quote:No, but I think there is a bit of an inside joke going on that I don't get. (I guess I'll have to learn C).
Not so much a joke, it's more what you call obfuscated code.. it's all legal syntax but you really wouldn't hand in a mid-term project looking like this Wink

And yes the family fox is very cool indeed 8)
In a world without walls and doors, who needs Windows and Gates?
I have issues with that code... it's not alphabetically ordered..
Peace cannot be obtained without war. Why? If there is already peace, it is unnecessary for war. If there is no peace, there is already war."

Visit to see rubbish in all its finest.
I have some programs that you can print and put it in a marquee in your room. The look great Big Grin

(but not alphabetically ordered, sorry).

       "!2)c9e2!9b;e1!8b>e/!     7cAd-!5fAe+!7fBe(!"
      "8hBd&!:iAd$![7S,Q0!1     bF 7!1b?'_6!1c,8b4"
      "!2b*a,*d3!2n4f2!${4    f.      '!%y4e5!&f%"
     "d-^-d7!4c+b)d9!4c-a    'd        :!/i('`&d"
     ";!+l'a+d<!)l*b(d=!'   m-        a  &d>!&d'"
    "`0_&c?!$dAc@!$cBc@!$   b         <    ^&d$`"
    ":!$d9_&l++^$!%f3a'    n1        _       $ !&"
   "f/c(o/_%!(f+c)q*c     %!         *       f &d+"
   "f$s&!-n,d)n(!0i-     c-         k)       !  3d"
   "/b0h*!H`7a,![7*     i]          5        4   71"
  "[=ohr&o*t*q*`*d      *v         *r         ;  02"
  "7*~=h./}tcrsth      &t          :          r   9b"
"].,b-725-.t--//      #r         [           <   t8-"
"752793?  <.~;b      ].t--+r     /           #    53"
"7-r[/9~X  .v90      <6/<.v;-52/={            k   goh"
"./}q;   u  vto     hr  `.i*$engt$            $    ,b"
";$/     =t ;v;     6     =`it.`;7=`          :    ,b-"
"725    = / o`.    .d       ;b]`--[/+       55/     }o"
"`.d   :   - ?5    /           }o`.'     v/i]q      - "
"-[;   5  2  =`  it            .        o;53-       . "
"v96   <7 /      =o            :            d        =o"
"--/i  ]q--      [;           h.            /        = "
"i]q--[  ;v      9h           ./            <        - "
"52={cj   u      c&`          i   t       . o        ; "
"?4=o:d=         o--          /  i        ]q         - "
"-[;54={  cj     uc&          i]q          -          -"
"[;76=i]q[;6     =vsr        u.i           /          ={"
"=),BihY_gha     ,)\0        "             ,          o [
  3217];int i,   r,w,f        ,              b        ,x ,
  p;n(){return   r  <X        X               X       X  X
  768?d[X(143+   X  r++       +               *d      )  %
   768]:r>2659   ?  59:       (                x      =  d
   [(r++-768)%   X  947      +             768]       ) ?
   x^(p?6:0):(p  =   34      X            X           X )
   ;}s(){for(x=  n   ();     (           x^           ( p
  ?6:0))==32;x=  n    ()     )   ;return x            ; }
  void/**/main X      ()     {           r           =  p
  =0;w=sprintf  (X     X     X         X X           X o
  ,"char*d=");  for          (    f=1;f <            * d
  +143;)if(33-(  b=d         [      f++ X           ]  )
  ){if(b<93){if   X(!        p          )             o
   [w++]=34;for    X(i       =         35             +
    (p?0:1);i<b;    i++      )         o
    [w++]=s();o[     w++               ]
     =p?s():34;}     else              X
       {for(i=92;     i<b;            i
    ++)o[w++]=     32;}           }
         else o     [w++          ]
             =10;o        [
               w]=0      ;

This one compiles and runs.
SCUMM (the band) on Myspace!
ComputerEmuzone Games Studio
underBASIC, homegrown musicians
I think this just has to be posted:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w                                      # camel code
use strict;

          ATA,0,                  0;");foreach(1..3)
      {<DATA>;}my               @camel1hump;my$camel­;
my$Camel  ;while(             <DATA>){$_=sprintf("­%-6
9s",$_);my@dromedary           1=split(//);if(defin­ed($
_=<DATA>)){@camel1hu­m        p=split(//);}while(@­dromeda
ry1){my$camel1hump=0      ;my$CAMEL=3;if(defin­ed($_=shif
       t(@dromedary1    ))&&/\S/){$camel1hum­p+=1<<$CAMEL;}
      $CAMEL--;if(d   efined($_=shift(@dro­medary1))&&/\S/){
     $camel1hump+=1  <<$CAMEL;}$CAMEL--;i­f(defined($_=shift(
       /LJF7\173\175`\047/1­2345678/;y/12345678/­JL7F\175\173\0 47`/;
        $_=reverse;print"\04­0$_$Camel\n";}';;s/\­s*//g;;eval;   eval
          ("seek\040DATA,0,0;"­);undef$/;$_=<DATA>;­s/\s*//g;(   );;s
            ;^.*_;;;map{eval"pri­nt\"$_\"";}/.{4}/g; __DATA__   \124
              \1   50\145\040\165\163\1­45\040\157\1 46\040\1  41\0
                   40\143\141  \155\145\1 54\040\1   51\155\  141
                   \147\145\0  40\151\156 \040\141    \163\16 3\
                    157\143\   151\141\16  4\151\1     57\156
                    \040\167  \151\164\1   50\040\      120\1
                    45\162\   154\040\15    1\163\      040\14
                    1\040\1   64\162\1      41\144       \145\
                    155\14    1\162\       153\04        0\157
                     \146\     040\11     7\047\         122\1
                     45\15      1\154\1  54\171          \040
                     \046\         012\101\16            3\16
                     3\15           7\143\15             1\14
                     1\16            4\145\163           \054
                    \040            \111\156\14         3\056
                   \040\         125\163\145\14         4\040\
                   167\1        51\164\1  50\0         40\160\
                 145\162                              \155\151
               \163\163                                \151\1

please dont screw up....
i]"I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum ... you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?"[/i] - Dirty Harry

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