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new gfxlib documentation
Nice work, Nek. :-) I'm pleased to see this graphics library progressing so wonderfully - the documentation is simple, but yet explains everything perfectly. And a CHM version is great for the seemingly hundreds of IDE's in progress :-)
color=blue]subxero - admin at this place.[/color]
Great job!!!

Is there a translucent sprite routine?
y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
nope, code you own :wink:

Seriously, this is a bit out of scope for a default gfxlib. It was ok to add MULTIKEY and GETMOUSE as this way you have a portable easy way to handle keyboard and mouse, but adding stuff you can easily code on top of gfxlib in FB itself is not really needed IMHO...

What would be nice would be an addon lib written in FB itself that sits on top of gfxlib and adds various new features like privitives drawing on buffers of any size, sprites rotation, blending and such.
ngelo Mottola - EC++
I could do that fast enough in inline asm. I was just wondering if you would add it.

BTW, whats the pixel format of GFXlib's sprite and DDraw DC in 32 bit?


pixel = r shl 16 or g shl 8 or b

y smiley is 24 bit.
[Image: anya2.jpg]

Genso's Junkyard:
See the docs, appendix C Smile
ngelo Mottola - EC++

One thing - this is 2005...txt is king but HTML is god. I will be making a nice HTML version of this for online easy viewing soonish.
avinash.vora -
Angelo: Just a suggestion:
Could you add a simple message box, with a pair of buttons Yes/No or Accept/Cancel?
Is a pity having a so useful built-in library and not have the possibility to show simple messages/options to the user in a portable way. Windows user32's MessageBox will probably not work in Linux...
Well, I could draw myself a message box in the graphics window everytime i need one.
I ask for it because it seems just a simple wrapper function to me...
aetherfox: I'd suggest you wait a couple of more days and wait for the official release... I may modify the docs a bit for 0.11.
BLOAD and BSAVE will probably be included, and maybe BLOAD will support .bmp files too.

Antoni: you don't have a message box in Linux as you have one in Win32... So making it portable would be hard. I'll think about it, but don't be sure it'll be added...
ngelo Mottola - EC++
aeth: you can have my html files if you want, obviously you need html files to make a chm, so... Wink
I'd knock on wood, but my desk is particle board.
Thx, lillo. that looks great to me.

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