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FBIde 0.4
:bounce: WOOT!

Nice advancements from 0.13... Yes, that's what I have.

Screwing with your reality since 1998.
gah! sourceforge is down, i guess i will have to wait.... :roll:
[Image: freebasic.png]
Umm, the site wasn't updated...that fault. I had exams. But I'm free now. It's updated. And SF is killer slow, and generally a bit choppy, but bear with us, it's going to come back.
avinash.vora -
I think the problem might be quickrun (namely pressing F5). i compiled and ran it without a problem, but quickrun refuses to work.
url=][Image: style4,TheDarkJay.png][/url]
open 1 files, compile and run
open another one, run it, but only 1.exe runs
open 1 files, compile and run
open another one, run it, but only 1.exe runs

I have been unable to duplicate this.
These are the steps I take:
1. Open 1.bas
2. Compile and run 1.bas
3. Open 2.bas
4. Compile and run 2.bas - It does run this one

Could you explain what you did in more detail? Can you duplicate the problem at will?
ric Carr
Quote:I think the problem might be quickrun (namely pressing F5). i compiled and ran it without a problem, but quickrun refuses to work.

Hey again,

I used quickrun and regular compiling, both worked for me. Hmm, what is the path of the .bas file you are compiling? (I am using c:\dev 2\ac.bas)

ric Carr

i run freeBASIC off my ipod mini.
url=][Image: style4,TheDarkJay.png][/url]
Hey Von, great job on the IDE I really like it. I havn't experienced any problems so far but I do have one suggestion. It would be nice if you could right-click on a tab and close it rather than having to go to file > close. It's nothing major, just something I thought would be usefull.
"I have a perfect body, but it's in the trunk and starting to smell."
closing tab -also 4th icon on the toolbar as well as ctrl+f4

I suggest to read quickeys.txt in docs\ :wink:

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