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FieldView encryption challenge

Tell you what, I'll give you all some special benefits in FV.. you'll all have the name postfix: The Spineless

Hows that for ya? Tongue

Oh.. I think I hear some chickens over there! You know them? :lol:
Ok this is my 2nd entry. It uses Random Numbers to encrypt the data. It is pretty strong, and pretty fast (and not really simple).
It's a singular encryption, meaning the message can be decrypted again using the same function.

Option Explicit
Option Dynamic

Declare Function neov2Crypt (Msg As String, Pwd As String) As String
Declare Function neov2Random (Seed As Integer) As Integer

' neov2Crypt Function :: String
Private Function neov2Crypt (Msg As String, Pwd As String) As String

    ' Define general variables
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, l As Integer
    ' Static wavetable (needs to be initialized upon first call)
    Static WaveTable(255, 255) As UByte
    If WaveTable(0, 0) = 0 Then
        ' Initialize wavetable
        i = neov2Random(-1)
        For i = 0 To 255    ' first arg
            For j = 0 To 255    ' second arg
                WaveTable(i, j) = ( Int( _
                                  (j * Tan(i)) + _
                                  (i / Tan(j + i) ^ 2) + _
                                  i * j) _
                                  And &HFF ) _
                                  Xor &H55 _
                                  Xor neov2Random(i)
            Next j        
        Next i    
        i = neov2Random(-1)
    End If  
    ' Compile the password into a seed
    Dim Seed As Integer
    j = 0: k = Len(Pwd) - 1
    For i = 0 To k
        Seed = Seed Xor (Pwd[i] shl j)
        j = (j + 8) And 15
    Next i
    ' Create return message
    Dim retStr As String
    retStr = Msg: j = 0: l = Len(Msg) - 1
    For i = 0 To l
        ' Add wavetable and a random number
        retStr[i] = retStr[i] _
                    Xor WaveTable(i And 255, Pwd[j]) _
                    Xor neov2Random(Seed)
        ' Increase password counter location
        j += IIf(j = k, -j, 1)
    Next i
    ' Reset random number generator
    j = neov2Random(-1)
    ' Return returnmessage
    neov2Crypt = retStr
End Function

' neov2Random Function :: Integer
Private Function neov2Random (Seed As Integer) As Integer

    ' Static variables containing the last number & seed
    Static lastnumber As UInteger = 0
    Static lastseed As UInteger = &HFFFFFFFF
    ' Check for generator reset
    If lastseed <> Seed Then
        lastseed = Seed
        lastnumber = Seed
        neov2Random = lastnumber \ 65536: Exit Function
    End If
    ' Generate next number using linear generation (fast)
    lastnumber = (lastnumber * &H343FD + &H269EC3) And 16777215
    ' Return number in the range 0-255
    neov2Random = lastnumber \ 65536
End Function

If I run this in the same testing environment as above, I get the following:
Neo (#2):
Quote:Encryption: 27.65389462680149 MB/s (3.531374199471851e-002 ms/kB)
Decryption: 26.60258625916841 MB/s (3.670930677514236e-002 ms/kB)
Side Notes: Random numbers, needs to be initialized
hi, i just made mine 'better' because XOR is all the rage these days. still can't touch red marvins speed...

Option Explicit

Declare Function __crypt_msg ( s As String, p As String ) As String

Dim As String msg, msg2
Dim As Integer tb, p
Dim As Double t

msg =" Updated: 06:38 PM EDTDeputies Apologize for Los Angeles Shooting" + _
"Sheriffs Fired 120 Rounds in ideotaped ConfrontationBy ALICIA CHANG, APAP" + _
" They're not hiding,'' the sheriffs' lawyer jdhfksieosl37fdifj"
'? Len(msg)

t = Timer

For p = 0 To 44999
msg2 = __crypt_msg ( msg, "password" )

? Timer - t ; " seconds to do 45000"
? (Timer - t) / 45000; " seconds to do one"

?     __crypt_msg (msg2, "passwprd")  
?     __crypt_msg (msg2, "passxpse")  '' close..
?     __crypt_msg (msg2, "ozrrxpse")  '' close..
?     __crypt_msg (msg2, "password")  '' close..


Function __crypt_msg ( s As String, p As String ) As String

  Dim As Integer a, e, c, l, x, y, z, ac, av, ls, zz
  Dim r As String

  r = s
  l =  Len ( p )
  ls = Len ( s )

  Dim a2 ( l )
  For av = 0 To l - 1
    ac += p [av]

  ac = ac \ l

  a =  ls Xor ac

  y = 0
  z = l - 1    

    a2 ( y ) = l - (a Xor (( p [y] Xor p [z] ) Xor (69 Or a))) '

    y += 1
    z -= 1

  Loop Until z <= y

    For e = 0 To a

      r [c] = (( s [c] ))  Xor ( e Xor a2 ( zz )) Xor ( p [zz] )      
      c + = 1
      If c = ls Then Return r

    zz += 1
    If zz = l Then zz = 0


End Function

also unrolled some functions and stuff, overall pretty tight n fast
Chaos (#2):
Quote:Encryption: 32.90807978908001 MB/s (2.967546287292204e-002 ms/kB)
Decryption: 32.99461372840881 MB/s (2.959763396651516e-002 ms/kB)
Side Notes: None
alright (i think) this is my last one. im extremely happy with the level of encryption it gives now, my latest entry before this showed similarities in decrypted data using similar passwords, with this version i hope to avoid this shortcoming (..sort of):

Option Explicit

Declare Function __crypt_msg ( s As String, p As String ) As String

Function __crypt_msg ( s As String, p As String ) As String

  Dim As Integer a, e, c, l, x, y, z, ac, av, ls, zz
  Dim r As String

  r = s
  l =  Len ( p )
  ls = Len ( s )

  Dim a2 ( l )
  For av = 0 To l - 1
    ac += p [av]

  ac = ac \ l

  a =  ls Xor ac

  y = 0
  z = l - 1    

    a2 ( y ) = l - (a Xor (( p [y] Xor p [z] ) Xor (69 Or a))) '

    y += 1
    z -= 1

  Loop Until z <= y

    For e = 0 To a


      r [c] = (( s [c ] ))  Xor ( e Xor a2 ( zz Xor 256)) Xor ( p [zz] )      
      c + = 1
      If c = ls Then Return r

    zz += 1
    If zz = l  Then zz = 0


End Function

i doubt speed is much different.. you can still test it if you like =)

btw, thanks neo for doing the tests in the first place
I've optimized the code greatly by removing those ugly chr$()s and asc()s. String indexing rules! Smile.
Neo, can you benchmark the new code for me? thx 8) .

Declare Sub SetBit (source As Short, targetBit As Byte, change As Byte)
Declare Sub GetBitChangeList (bitChangeList() As Byte, password As String)
Declare Function ReadBit (source As Short, targetBit As Byte) As Byte
Declare Function BlueEncrypt (text As String, password As String) As String
Declare Function BlueDecrypt (text As String, password As String) As String

Dim myString As String
Dim myPassword As String
Dim myEncryptedString As String
Dim myDecryptedString As String
Dim startTime As Double
Dim totalTime As Double
Dim c As Long

myString = "This is a test...testing, one, two, three."
myPassword = "This password is also a test"

startTime = Timer
For c = 0 To 9999
    myEncryptedString = BlueEncrypt(myString, myPassword)
    myDecryptedString = BlueDecrypt(myEncryptedString, myPassword)
totalTime = Timer - startTime

Print "String encrypted and decrypted 10000 times in"; totalTime; " seconds."
Print "Each encryption/decryption cycle took"; (totalTime / 10000) * 1000; " ms."
print "String length:"; Len(myString)
print "Encrypted string length:"; Len(myEncryptedString)
Print "Encrypted: "; myEncryptedString
Print "Decrypted: "; myDecryptedString

Function BlueEncrypt (text As String, password As String) As String
    Dim bitChangeList(7) As Byte, target(len(text) - 1) As Short, actualByte As Short
    Dim c As Short, c2 As Byte, actualResult As String
    GetBitChangeList bitChangeList(), password
    actualResult = text
    For c = 0 To len(text) - 1
        actualByte = text[c]
        For c2 = 0 To 7
            SetBit target(c), bitChangeList(c2), ReadBit(actualByte, c2)

        actualResult[c] = target(c)
    Return actualResult
End Function

Function BlueDecrypt (text As String, password As String) As String
    Dim bitChangeList(7) As Byte, target(len(text) - 1) As Short, actualByte As Short
    Dim c As Short, c2 As Byte, actualResult As String
    GetBitChangeList bitChangeList(), password
    actualResult = text
    For c = 0 To len(text) - 1
        actualByte = text[c]
        For c2 = 0 To 7
            SetBit target(c), c2, ReadBit(actualByte, bitChangeList(c2))

        actualResult[c] = target(c)
    Return actualResult
End Function

Sub GetBitChangeList (bitChangeList() As Byte, password As String)
    Dim bitChangeString As String, i As Short

    bitChangeString = "01234567"

    For i = 1 To len(password) - 1
        Swap bitChangeString[password[i - 1] And 7], bitChangeString[i And 7]
    For i = 0 To 7
        bitChangeList(i) = bitChangeString[i] - 48
End Sub

Function ReadBit (source As Short, targetBit As Byte) As Byte
    Return (source shr targetBit) And 1
End Function

Sub SetBit (source As Short, targetBit As Byte, change As Byte)
    If (change = 1) Then source = source Or (change shl targetBit)
End Sub
It's the difference between asking someone how much flour goes into pancakes, and handing them a sorry mix of oozing green goo and asking them to fix it." - Deleter

-Founder & President of the No More Religion Threads movement-
Hey Z!re and Neo,

You didn't say anything about the littile encryption algorithm that I posted earlier in the thread. What's wrong with it?
rem X$ is the string to be encrypted/decrypted.
rem Password$ is the password.

for X = 1 to len(X$)
     Pass = asc(mid$(Password$, (X mod L) - L  * ((X mod L) = 0), 1))
     mid$(X$,X,1) = chr$(asc(mid$(X$,X,1)) xor Pass)
next X
Quote:Side Notes: Not testable due to memoryleaks and -errors
care to elaborate on that? Confusedhifty: or at least post the data you're using to test?
Quote:quote: "<+whtiger> you... you don't know which way the earth spins?" ... see... stupidity leads to reverence, reverence to shakiness, shakiness to... the dark side
Quote:Hey Z!re and Neo,
You didn't say anything about the littile encryption algorithm that I posted earlier in the thread. What's wrong with it?
I'm sorry, I overlooked that little one. But also:
Quote:* Functions should be formated as: Function (Msg As STRING, Pwd As STRING) As STRING
If you can rewrite it in that form I'll test it. I don't have enough time to convert the code to the proper layout.
Also, please try to make it faster, I can already see it will be slow in this form.
Just a suggestion Smile
Quote:care to elaborate on that? or at least post the data you're using to test?
I'll try.

First of all I'm using your FB wrapper:
    data as zstring ptr
    len as integer
    size as integer
end type

function encrypt(msg as string, pwd as string) as string
    dim as string ret
    dim as FBSTRING ptr retptr
    dim as any ptr stuff
    stuff = encrypt_c( strptr( msg ), strptr( pwd ), len( msg ) + 1 )
    retptr = cptr( FBSTRING ptr, @ret )
    retptr->data = stuff
    retptr->len = len( msg ) + 7
    retptr->size = len( msg ) + 7
    return ret
end function

function decrypt(msg as string, pwd as string) as string
    dim as string ret
    dim as FBSTRING ptr retptr
    dim as any ptr stuff
    stuff = decrypt_c( strptr( msg ), strptr( pwd ) )
    retptr = cptr( FBSTRING ptr, @ret )
    retptr->data = stuff
    retptr->len = len( msg ) - 7
    retptr->size = len( msg ) - 6
    return ret
end function

I generate 3979 pseudo-random messages (length 1-3979), and 3979 passwords, completely random (length 1-1000).
And I feed those into the functions encrypt and decrypt.

The code to generate the random messages and password is very simple (but little bit messy):
For j = 1 To Len(buffer)
    msgs(j) = Mid$(buffer, Int(Rnd * (Len(buffer) - j + 1)) + 1, j)
    B = Int(Rnd * 1000) + 1
    pass(j) = Space$(B)
    For T = 1 To Int(B)
        pass(j)[Int(T - 1)] = Int(Rnd * 256)
    Next T
    Locate 1, 1: Print j
Next j

I then just feed the msgs() array together with the pass() array in your encrypt, and store the result in an array encs(). I use the encs() array and the pass() array to put in the decrypt, and store the result in decs(). In the end I compare decs() and msgs() for consistency.

While encrypting I just get the famous error:
Quote:cryptctest.exe has generated errors and will be closed by
Windows. You will need to restart the program.

An error log is being created.
Which indicates a memory problem.

Now that I look at it...
retptr->len = len( msg ) + 7
    retptr->size = len( msg ) + 7
retptr->len = len( msg ) - 7
    retptr->size = len( msg ) - 6

I have to reboot my computer again soon because of this nice program.

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