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Function of the various QB4.5 files
Quote:Jark: Wink

Neo, this zip is the one everybody has...

In the french version of QB45 that you can D/L from , there is a file that describes the various files in the six (!) original floppies. I can translate that if requested... Cry

PS1: you will note that the french ASCII characters are not supported by the 256 first ASCII codes! Nathan can probably read that: spanish people had to learn some french in the seventies, when french people behaved in Spain like US people in the world nowadays. Now, spanish and french people learn english...

PS2: I want this thread to be closed if people overreact about what I just wrote.

PS3: Spanish people have a common point with people from down-under: they write the question marks upside down :rotfl: :bounce: :king:

            Contenu des disquettes de MICROSOFT(R) QuickBASIC Compiler
         Version 4.50 pour les ordinateurs personnels IBM(R)
                   et compatibles

          (C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1989.


  Remarques importantes
  Les disquettes Installation/Microsoft QB Express et Utilitaires 3
  contiennent un certain nombre de programmes de d‚monstration et utilitaires
  â€šcrits en BASIC. Ces fichiers sont destin‚s uniquement … l'information et au
  divertissement, et Microsoft ne garantit ni express‚ment ni implicitement
  qu'ils soient appropri‚s … des buts sp‚cifiques, ni qu'ils soient corrects,
  exacts ou fiables. Il vous revient d'assumer les risques quant aux r‚sultats
  et aux performances du logiciel.

  Tous ces programmes finissent par l'extension .BAS, ce qui signifie que ce
  sont des fichiers source QuickBASIC. Les programmes dont le nom est suivi
  d'une ast‚risque (*) requiÅ rent une carte graphique pour ˆtre ex‚cut‚s.

==< Contenu de la disquette Installation/Microsoft QB Express >---------------

FICHIER                   DESCRIPTION
-------                   -----------

  BX.PGM                  Fichier utilis‚ par QB Express lorsque vous
                          ex‚cutez DIDAC.COM.

  DIDAC.COM               Fichier ex‚cutable contenant le dictaticiel
                          bas‚ sur ordinateur QB Express.

  DIDAC.PIF               Fichier qui procure des informations destin‚es
                          â€¦ l'ex‚cution du dictaticiel QB Express sous
                          Microsoft Windows.

  FICHIERS.LST            Liste de tous les fichiers fournis avec

  LISEZMOI.DOC            Informations qui n'‚taient pas disponibles au moment
                          o— les manuels de QuickBASIC ont ‚t‚ imprim‚s.

  QB.BI                   Fichier … inclure … utiliser avec les programmes
                          BASIC qui appellent l'une des routines suivantes
                          de la bibliothÅ que Quick QB.QLB ou de la
                          bibliothÅ que autonome QB.LIB : ABSOLUTE, INTERRUPT,
                          INTERRUPTX, INT86OLD, ou INT86XOLD. Le fichier
                          QB.BI d‚finit les types des arguments pass‚s … ces
                          routines et fournit les instructions DECLARE pour
                          ces routines.

  QBCBT.CTX               Fichier utilis‚ pour QB Express lorsque vous
                          ex‚cutez DIDAC.COM.

  QBCBT.SCN               Fichier utilis‚ pour QB Express lorsque vous
                          ex‚cutez DIDAC.COM.

  QBCBT.SOB               Fichier utilis‚ pour QB Express lorsque vous
                          ex‚cutez DIDAC.COM.

  SETUP.EXE               Programme d'installation de QuickBASIC. Ex‚cutez-le
                          pour installer QuickBASIC sur votre systÅ me, qu'il
                          soit … disque dur ou … disquettes.

  \EXEMPLES               R‚pertoire contenant les programmes BASIC imprim‚s
                          dans les manuels QuickBASIC, ainsi que d'autres
                          programmes de d‚monstration. Voir le contenu de ce
                          r‚pertoire ci-dessous.

==< Contenu du r‚pertoire \EXEMPLES
    de la disquette Installation/Microsoft QB Express >

FICHIER                   DESCRIPTION
-------                   -----------

  BALLPSET.BAS*           Programme qui fait rebondir une balle sur le bas
                          et les c“t‚s de l'‚cran en utilisant l'option PSET
                          avec l'instruction graphique PUT.

  BALLEXOR.BAS*           Programme qui fait rebondir une balle sur le bas
                          et les c“t‚s de l'‚cran en utilisant l'option XOR
                          avec l'instruction graphique PUT.

  HISTO.BAS*              Programme qui transforme les donn‚es entr‚es
                          en un histogramme.

  CAL.BAS                 Programme qui affiche un calendrier pour tout
                          mois des ann‚es 1899 … 2099.

  CHEQUE.BAS              Programme de gestion de compte-chÅ que, qui trie
                          et affiche une liste de tous les d‚p“ts et retraits
                          effectu‚s par l'utilisateur, puis imprime le solde
                          final du compte.

  COULEURS.BAS*           Pogramme montrant toutes les combinaisons des
                          16 couleurs d'arriÅ re-plan et des 3 couleurs de
                          premier plan (distinctes de l'arriÅ re-plan) pour
                          les 2 palettes de couleurs disponibles en mode
                          d'‚cran 1 !

  RCSL.BAS                Programme qui ouvre un fichier ASCII, transforme
                          tout retour de chariot ou saut de ligne simple
                          en la conbinaison retour de chariot/saut de ligne,
                          puis ‚crit les lignes ainsi ajust‚es dans un
                          nouveau fichier.

  CUBE.BAS*               Programme qui illustre l'animation simple d'un
                          cube en utilisant des pages d'‚cran multiples en
                          mode ‚cran 7.

  EDMOT.BAS*              Programme qui vous permet d'‚diter un motif de
                          dallage … utiliser avec l'instruction PAINT.
                          Vous pouvez remplir avec ce motif toute zone
                          graphique ferm‚e … l'‚cran.

  ENTAB.BAS               Programme qui comprime un fichier ASCII en
                          rempla‡ant les suites d'espaces par des tabulations.

  ERRFICH.BAS             Programme qui recherche une chaŒne de caractÅ res
                          dans un fichier ASCII. Ce programme trouve et
                          corrige les erreurs les plus communes d'accÅ s aux
                          fichiers, comme par exemple l'entr‚e par
                          l'utilisateur d'un nom de fichier incorrect ou le
                          fait de laisser le portillon de l'unit‚ de disque

  VGFL.BAS                Programme qui vous permet d'examiner le format
                          interne utilis‚ par BASIC pour stocker des nombres
                          en simple pr‚cision.

  INDEX.BAS               Programme d'E/S sur fichier qui construit et
                          explore un index de num‚ros d'enregistrements
                          dans un fichier de donn‚es … accÅ s al‚atoire.

  MANDEL.BAS*             Programme qui g‚nÅ re une fractale (repr‚sentation
                          graphique en couleur des propri‚t‚s de certains
                          nombres r‚els) … l'‚cran.

  PALETTE.BAS*            Programme qui d‚montre comment donner l'illusion
                          du mouvement en alternant les couleurs affich‚es
                          par les attributs de couleurs 1 … 15.

  TRACEUR.BAS*            Programme de tra‡age de traits simple qui
                          utilise l'instruction BASIC DRAW.

  QBIBLIO.BAS             Programme vous permettant d'obtenir la liste des
                          codes et des symboles de donn‚es PUBLIC dans une
                          bibliothÅ que Quick.

  CHERCHE.BAS             Programme qui recherche un motif dans tout fichier
                          disque et reporte toutes les positions d'octets
                          dans le fichier o— commence ce motif.

  ONDES.BAS*              Programme qui trace la courbe d'une fonction
                          sinuso‹dale pour tout angle de valeur comprise entre
                          0 et PI (3.14159265).

  CHENNOMB.BAS            Porgramme qui convertit en valeur num‚rique toutes
                          les chaŒnes entr‚es, aprÅ s avoir au pr‚alable filtr‚
                          et retir‚ de la chaŒne les caractÅ res num‚riques non
                          valables (tels que les virgules).

  TERMINAL.BAS            Programme qui transforme votre ordinateur en un
                          simple terminal lors de son utilisation avec un

  ELEMENT.BAS             Programme qui rompt une chaŒne entr‚e en une s‚rie
                          d'‚l‚ments (une chaŒne de caractÅ res limit‚e par
                          des espaces, des tabulations, ou des signes de
                          ponctuation comme les virgules et points-virgules).

  OUESTIL.BAS             Programme qui recherche de maniÅ re r‚cursive un
                          nom de fichier entr‚ par l'utilisateur
                          dans tous les r‚pertoires d'un disque. Lorsque
                          OUESTIL trouve le fichier, il affiche le chemin
                          d'accÅ s complet au fichier.

==< Contenu de la disquette Programme >

Fichier                    DESCRIPTION
-------                    -----------

  QB.EXE                   Environnement de d‚veloppement de programmes de
                           Microsoft QuickBASIC.

==< Contenu de la disquette Utilitaires 1 >

FICHIER                    DESCRIPTION
-------                    -----------

  BC.EXE                   Compilateur de ligne de commande BASIC invoqu‚ par
                           la commande "Cr‚er un fichier EXE" du menu
                           Ex‚cution" ou par la commande bc depuis la ligne de
                           commande de DOS.

  BQLB45.LIB               BibliothÅ que de routines de support utilis‚e lors
                           de la cr‚ation de bibliothÅ ques Quick.

  BRUN45.EXE               Module d'ex‚cution QuickBASIC; requis pour ex‚cuter
                           les fichiers ex‚cutables cr‚‚s avec BRUN45.LIB.

  BRUN45.LIB               BibliothÅ que du module d'ex‚cution QuickBASIC; …
                           utiliser pour cr‚er des fichiers ex‚cutables depuis
                           QuickBASIC et DOS.

  QB.LIB                   BibliothÅ que autonome contenant les routines de
                           support pour les appels au systÅ me DOS.

  QB.QLB                   BibliothÅ que Quick contenant les routines de
                           support pour les appels au systÅ me DOS.

  LIB.EXE                  Gestionnaire de bibliothÅ ques Microsoft Library
                           Manager; … utiliser pour cr‚er des bibliothÅ ques
                           autonomes (.LIB).

  LINK.EXE                 Editeur de liens Microsoft Overlay Linker; …
                           utiliser pour cr‚er des fichiers ex‚cutables et
                           des bibliothÅ ques Quick.

==< Contenu de la disquette Utilitaires 2 >

  FICHIER                  DESCRIPTION
  -------                  ------------

  BCOM45.LIB               Autre bibliothÅ que du module d'ex‚cution
                           QuickBASIC; … utiliser pour cr‚er des fichiers
                           ex‚cutables depuis QuickBASIC et DOS (les fichiers
                           cr‚‚s avec cette bibliothÅ que n'ont pas besoin de
                           BRUN45.EXE pour s'ex‚cuter).

  FIXSHIFT.COM             Programme r‚sidant en m‚moire aprÅ s l'ex‚cution,
                           qui corrige une erreur du ROM BIOS de certaines
                           machines dont le clavier pr‚sente un jeu de
                           touches de DIRECTION suppl‚mentaire en plus de
                           celui du clavier num‚rique. Reportez-vous …
                           LISEZMOI.DOC pour plus d'informations si vous
                           avez un clavier de ce type.

  NOEM.OBJ                 (NO EMulation). Fichier objet … lier avec les
                           programmes BASIC qui seront toujours ex‚cut‚s sur
                           des machines ‚quip‚es d'un coprocesseur
                           math‚matique 8087 ou 80287. L'‚dition de liens avec
                           NOEM.OBJ d‚sactive l'‚mulation par le logiciel des
                           fonctions math‚matiques du coprocesseur et r‚duit
                           la taille du fichier ex‚cutable.

  QB.PIF                   Fichier qui fournit des informations quant …
                           l'utilisation de QuickBASIC sous Microsoft Windows.

  MOUSE.COM                Contr“leur de la souris … utiliser avec les
                           programmes QuickBASIC qui appellent des fonctions
                           de la souris.

  SMALLERR.OBJ             Fichier objet … lier avec les programmes BASIC qui
                           ne n‚cessitent pas de messages d'erreur. Faire
                           l'‚dition de liens avec SMALLERR.OBJ r‚duit la
                           taille des fichiers ex‚cutables qui ne n‚cessitent
                           pas de messages d'erreur.

  MSHERC.COM               Fichier de contr“le … utiliser avec les ordinateurs
                           ‚quip‚s d'une carte graphique Hercules (R), de la
                           carte graphique Plus, de la carte InColor Hercules,
                           ou de cartes compatibles … 100% avec ces cartes
                           graphiques. Ce fichier vous permet d'‚crire des
                           programmes BASIC qui utilisent le mode ‚cran 3 pour
                           les graphiques.

  PATCH87.EXE              Fichier destin‚ … corriger une bogue math‚matique
                           survenant avec MS-DOS 3.20, un disque dur, un
                           coprocesseur math‚matique, et un calcul en virgule
                           flottante. Reportez-vous au fichier LISEZMOI.DOC
                           pour plus de d‚tails.

==< Contenu de la disquette Conseiller QB Microsoft >

FICHIER                    DESCRIPTION
-------                    -----------

  QB45ADVR.HLP             Fichier contenant l'aide en ligne sur le langage

==< Contenu de la disquette Utilitaires 3 >

  FICHIER                  DESCRIPTION
  -------                  ------------

  QB45ENER.HLP             Fichiers contenant de l'information en ligne
                           quant … l'environnement QuickBASIC et les
                           messages d'erreur.

  QB45QCK.HLP              Fichier contenant des informations d'aide
                           en ligne au sujet du langage de Microsoft

  DEMO1.BAS               Version BASICA du programme de d‚monstration
                          d'effets acoustiques.

  DEMO2.BAS               Version QuickBASIC 2.0 du programme de d‚monstration
                          d'effets acoustiques mentionn‚ ci-dessus

  DEMO3.BAS               Version QuickBASIC 4.0 du programme de d‚monstration
                          d'effets acoustiques mentionn‚ ci-dessus.

  QCARTES.BAS             Code fourni pour le programme de base de donn‚es
                          QCARTES utilis‚ dans la section "Prise en mains de
                          QuickBASIC" du Guide d'apprentissage de Microsoft
                          QuickBASIC. Dans ce guide d'initiation, vous
                          complÅ terez l'en-tˆte du module de ce programme.

  QCARTES.DAT             Fichier de donn‚es fourni pour le programme
                          de base de donn‚es QCARTES. Conservez ce fichier
                          dans le r‚pertoire actuel, lorsque vous ajouterez
                          du code … QCARTES.BAS.

  SUPLIGNE.BAS            Programme utilitaire qui convertit les programmes
                          BASICA sauvegard‚s sous le format ASCII en
                          programmes de style QuickBASIC en supprimant les
                          num‚ros de ligne non r‚f‚renc‚s.

  DEMOTRI.BAS             Programme qui utilise des barres multicolores et des
                          sons pour illustrer diff‚rents algorithmes de tri.

  TORE.BAS*               Programme de d‚monstration graphique qui dessine …
                          l'‚cran une figure multicolore en forme de couronne,
                          puis produit un effet visuel de rotation en d‚calant
                          les couleurs de la palette.

  \ADVR_EX                 R‚pertoire contenant les programmes BASIC
                           cit‚s dans le fichier d'aide en ligne QB45ADVR.HLP.
                           Reportez-vous … la section ci-dessous pour en
                           examiner le contenu.

==< Contenu du r‚pertoire \ADVR_EX sur la disquette Utilitaires 3 >

FICHIER                   DESCRIPTION
--------                   -----------

CALL_EX.BAS               Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation de
                           l'instruction CALL

CHR_EX.BAS                Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation de la
                           fonction CHR$

CMD_EX.BAS                Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation de la
                           fonction COMMAND$

COM1_EX.BAS               Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation des instructions
                           CHAIN et COMMON. Lorsque vous ex‚cutez COM1_EX.BAS,
                           COM2_EX.BAS doit se trouver dans le r‚pertoire de

COM2_EX.BAS               Programme appel‚ par COM1_EX.BAS (voir ci-dessus).

CSR_EX.BAS                Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation de la
                           fonction CSRLIN.

DECL_EX.BAS               Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation de
                           l'instruction DECLARE.

DEFFN_EX.BAS              Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation de
                           l'instruction DEF FN.

DEFSG_EX.BAS              Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation des
                           instructions DEF SEG, PEEK, et POKE, afin de
                           valider ou non la touche VERR.MAJ.

DRAW_EX.BAS               Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation de
                           l'instruction DRAW.

FUNC_EX.BAS               Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation de
                           FUNCTION...END FUNCTION.

OUT_EX.BAS                Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation de
                           l'instruction OUT.

SHARE_EX.BAS              Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation de
                           l'instruction SHARED.

SHELL_EX.BAS              Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation de
                           l'instruction SHELL.

STAT_EX.BAS               Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation de
                           l'instruction STATIC.

SUB_EX.BAS                Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation de
                           SUB...END SUB.

TYPE_EX.BAS               Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation de
                           TYPE...END TYPE.

UBO_X.BAS                 Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation des
                           fonctions UBOUND et LBOUND.

UCASE_EX.BAS              Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation de la
                           fonction UCASE$.

WINDO_EX.BAS              Programme d‚montrant l'utilisation de
                           l'instruction WINDOW.
hink Global, Make Symp' All ! ®
[Image: Banner.gif]
I translated some stuff... Big Grin


==< Contents of the installationdiskette of MS QB Express >-----
FILE                   DESCRIPTION
-------                   -----------

  BX.PGM                  File used by QB Express when you execute DIDAC.COM

  DIDAC.COM               Executable file containing the ?? ?? on the QB Express computer.

  FICHIERS.LST            List of all delivered files with QuickBASIC.

  LISEZMOI.DOC            README.DOC (says enough for now ;))
  QB.BI                   Include File used for BASIC programs which call one of the routines in the QuickLibrary QB.QLB or from the autonome library QB.LIB: ABSOLUTE, INTERRUPT,
                          INTERRUPTX, INT86OLD, ou INT86XOLD.

  QBCBT.CTX               See BX.PGM

  QBCBT.SCN               See BX.PGM

  QBCBT.SOB               See BX.PGM

  SETUP.EXE               Installation program for QuickBASIC. Execute this to install QuickBASIC on your system. ??

  \EXEMPLES               Directory containing BASIC programs referred to in the QuickBASIC manuals, as well as other demo-programs.

==< Content of the Program Diskette >

File                    DESCRIPTION
-------                    -----------

  QB.EXE                   QuickBASIC IDE.

==< Content of the Utilities Diskette 1 >

FILE                    DESCRIPTION
-------                    -----------

  BC.EXE                   Commandline BASIC compiler called by Make an EXE File, from the menu 'Run' or by the command BC on the command line.

  BQLB45.LIB               Library with supportroutines used during the creation of a QuickLibrary.

  BRUN45.EXE               Executionmodule of QuickBASIC; required to execute EXEs created with BRUN45.LIB

  BRUN45.LIB               Library of module-execution in QuickBASIC; used to create EXE files during QuickBASIC and DOS.

  QB.LIB                   Autonome library containing routines to support calls to the DOS system.

  QB.QLB                   See QB.LIB

  LIB.EXE                  Used to create Autonome libraries.

  LINK.EXE                 Microsoft Overlay Linker; used to create EXE files and QuickLibraries.

==< Contents of the Utilities Diskette 2 >

  FICHIER                  DESCRIPTION
  -------                  ------------

  BCOM45.LIB               Other library used to create EXE files during QuickBASIC and DOS. (Created files with this library don't need BRUN45.EXE to run).

  QB45ADVR.HLP             File containing on-line support on the QuickBASIC language.

  QB45ENER.HLP             File containing information about online support ?? QuickBASIC, and about error messages.

  QB45QCK.HLP              File containing help-information about the topic on the line in the QuickBASIC language.

Looks interesting, and now I think I know better what each file is for Wink
Thanks a lot Neo! Seems that you can speak french ?
hink Global, Make Symp' All ! ®
[Image: Banner.gif]
Jark's kindly sent me the full version of qb4.0, and the french version of 4.5 for uploading to QBNZ, they'll be available shortly.

Feel free to send me versions of QB in any language I don't have - I have no qualms about distributing it for the benefit of the community Smile
It really seems that this file was present in the first zip that started travelling on the web. It's not quoted in the packing lists that we see here, and it is not included in the german version of QB45 at QBNZ. Neither in the french version...

I will delete this file from my working directory, and the story go... If nothing happens, I will consider it should not be in the zip...

In other terms, we should do our best to rebuild a complete zipfile of QB4.5, with the exact packing list and six sub-directories for each of the 6 floppies.

Oracle, I think you're in the best position to centralise this ???
hink Global, Make Symp' All ! ®
[Image: Banner.gif]
If people can work out what files are involved (with help from those like Moneo and Glenn, if they're around, with their lists of files involved in each version), then we can make up .zips that are as close as possible to the origional versions. Then, perhaps we can include an extra directory with extra examples, a notice about how the qmunity is alive and kicking so if you need help you can visit these places etc, to really help the communities chance of survival at the same time Smile

Any thoughts on this?
I still have the original disks to my QB45 and QB30. QB45 came on 3 1/2 disks. QB3 came on 5 1/2 disks.

I can't remember seeing that QB45ADVR.OBJ file on my disks

I do remember that the QB.LIB failed to install using the QB45 setup, so I had to extract it manually.

Here's part of the PACKING.LST file from my QB45 install disks describing each file on both install disks.

- Dav


This file contains a complete list of all files and directories on the
distribution disks provided with this product.


Files on the distribution disks are compressed (indicated by a "$" in the
file extension) and must be decompressed before they are used. The Setup
program on the "Setup" disk unpacks files as it installs them. A separate
file unpacking utility (UNPACK.EXE) located on the "Utilities" disk is
provided for manual file decompression. The following table displays the
compressed/uncompressed file extension mapping scheme:

   Compressed file extension:        Uncompressed file extension:
        *.BA$               -             *.BAS
        *.BI$               -             *.BI
        *.CO$               -             *.COM
        *.DA$               -             *.DAT
        *.EX$               -             *.EXE
        *.HL$               -             *.HLP
        *.LI$               -             *.LIB
        *.OB$               -             *.OBJ
        *.PI$               -             *.PIF
        *.QL$               -             *.QLB
An example of using UNPACK.EXE to decompress a single file is as follows:

C:\> unpack a:qb.ex$ c:\qb45\qb.exe

This will decompress the QB.EX$ file from the distribution disk in drive a:
to the file QB.EXE in the C:\QB45 directory.

This package comes with a number of demonstration and utility programs
written in BASIC. These files are for informational and recreational
purposes only, and Microsoft makes no warranties, either expressed or
implied, as to their suitability for specific purposes or their correctness,
accuracy, or reliability. The entire risk as to the results and performance
of the software is assumed by you.

All files ending with the .BAS extension are QuickBASIC source files.
Programs with an asterisk (*) next to their names require a color-graphics
adapter to run.


Disk #1 (Setup/Microsoft QuickBASIC Express/Program)

READTHIS.NOW        Instructions to read before installing.
SETUP.EXE        Run this program to install QuickBASIC.
README.DOC        Instructions for installing and using QuickBASIC on
            dual-floppy systems and other information.
PACKING.LST        List and description of all files provided.
LEARN.COM        Executable file    containing the computer-based
            training program QB Express.
LEARN.PIF        A file that provides information to aid    in running
            the QB EXPRESS under Microsoft Windows.
BX.PGM            File used for QB Express when you run LEARN.COM.
QBCBT.CTX         "
QBCBT.SCN         "
QBCBT.SOB         "
QB.BI            An include file    for use    with BASIC programs that
            call any of the    following routines in the QB.QLB
            Quick library or in the    QB.LIB stand-alone library:
            INT86XOLD.  The    QB.BI file defines the types for
            arguments passed to these routines and also gives
            DECLARE    statements for these routines.
QCARDS.BAS        Supplied code for the QCARDS database program used
            in the Hands On    with QuickBASIC    tutorial. In Part 2
            of the manual Learning to Use QuickBASIC, you add
            the module-level code that completes this program.
QCARDS.DAT        Supplied data file for the QCARDS database program.
            Keep this file in the current directory    as you add
            code during the    QCARDS.BAS tutorial.
DEMO1.BAS        A BASICA version of a sound-effects demonstration
DEMO2.BAS        The QuickBASIC 2.0 version of DEMO1.BAS.
DEMO3.BAS        The QuickBASIC 4.0 (and    higher)    version    of DEMO1.BAS.
REMLINE.BAS        A utility program that converts    BASICA programs
            saved in ASCII format to QuickBASIC-style programs
            by removing unreferenced line numbers.
SORTDEMO.BAS        A program that uses multicolored bars and sound to
            illustrate various sorting algorithms.
TORUS.BAS*        A graphics demonstration program that draws a
            multicolored doughnut-shaped figure on the screen,
            then animates it by shifting colors in the palette.
QB45QCK.HLP        File containing on-line help on QuickBASIC.
\EXAMPLES        A directory containing BASIC programs printed in the
            QuickBASIC manuals and other demonstration programs.
   ******** \EXAMPLES directory contents ********
   BALLPSET.BAS*    A program that bounces a ball off the bottom and
            sides of the screen by using the PSET option with
            the graphics PUT statement.
   BALLXOR.BAS*        A program that bounces a ball off the bottom and
            sides of the screen by using the XOR option with
            the graphics PUT statement.
   BAR.BAS*        A program that turns input data    into a bar chart.
   CAL.BAS        A program that prints a    calendar for any month in
            any year from 1899 to 2099.
   CHECK.BAS        A checkbook-balancing program that sorts and prints a
            list of    any deposits and withdrawals input by the
            user, then prints the final balance in the checking
   COLORS.BAS*        A program showing all combinations of the 16 background
            colors and 3 foreground    colors (distinct from the
            background) in the 2 color palettes available in screen
            mode 1.
   CRLF.BAS        A program that opens an    ASCII file, expands any    lines
            ending with just a carriage return or a    line feed to
            a carriage-return--line-feed combination, then writes
            the adjusted lines to a    new file.
   CUBE.BAS*        A program that illustrates simple animation of a
            cube by    using multiple screen pages in screen mode 7.
   EDPAT.BAS*        A program that allows you to edit a pattern tile
            for use    in a PAINT statement.  With pattern tiles,
            you can    fill any enclosed graphics area    on the screen
            with a pattern.
   ENTAB.BAS        A program that compresses an ASCII file    by replacing
            runs of    spaces with tab    characters.
   FILERR.BAS        A program that searches    for a string of    characters in
            an ASCII file.    This program traps and handles common
            file-access errors such    as the user's entering an
            invalid    file name or leaving a drive door open.
   FLPT.BAS        A program that lets you    examine    the internal format
            used by    BASIC to store single-precision    numbers.
   INDEX.BAS        A file I/O program that    builds and searches an index
            of record numbers from a random-access data file.
   MANDEL.BAS*        A program that generates a fractal (a colorful graphic
            representation of the properties of certain real
            numbers) on the    screen.
   PALETTE.BAS*        A program that demonstrates how    to give    the illusion
            of movement by rotating    the colors displayed by
            the color attributes from 1 to 15.
   PLOTTER.BAS*        A simple line-sketching    program    that uses BASIC's
            DRAW statement.
   QLBDUMP.BAS        A program that allows you to get a listing of the
            PUBLIC code and    data symbols in    a QuickBASIC Quick
   SEARCH.BAS        A program that searches    any disk file for a pattern
            and reports every byte position    in the file where
            the pattern begins.
   SINEWAVE.BAS*    A program that plots the graph of the sine-wave
            function for angle values from 0 to PI radians.
   STRTONUM.BAS        A program that converts    to a numeric value any number
            input as a string, after first filtering invalid
            numeric    characters (such as commas) out    of the
   TERMINAL.BAS        A program that turns your computer into    a "dumb"
            terminal when used with    a modem.
   TOKEN.BAS        A program that breaks an input string into a series
            of tokens (a string of characters delimited by
            blank spaces, tabs, or punctuation marks such as
            commas or semicolons).
   WHEREIS.BAS        A program that recursively searches through all
            directories on a disk for a specified file name.
QB.EXE            The QuickBASIC program development environment.
QB.PIF                A file that provides information to aid    in running
            QuickBASIC under Microsoft Windows.
BC.EXE                The BASIC command-line compiler    invoked    by the Run
            menu's Make EXE File command or by the bc command
            from the DOS command line.
LINK.EXE        The Microsoft Overlay Linker; used to create
            executable files and Quick libraries.

Disk #2 (Utilities/Microsoft QuickBASIC Advisor)

UNPACK.EXE        Utility for uncompressing files on distribution disks
LIB.EXE                The Microsoft Library Manager; used to create
            stand-alone (.LIB) libraries.
BRUN45.EXE        The QuickBASIC run-time    module;    required for running
            executable files created with BRUN45.LIB.
BRUN45.LIB        The QuickBASIC run-time-module library;    used for
            creating executable files from QuickBASIC and DOS.
BQLB45.LIB        The library of supporting routines that    are used when
            creating Quick libraries.
BCOM45.LIB        The QuickBASIC alternate run-time-module library;
            used for creating executable files from    QuickBASIC
            and DOS    (files created with this library do not
            require    BRUN45.EXE to run).
QB.LIB            The stand-alone    library    containing support routines
            for DOS system calls.
QB.QLB                The Quick library containing support routines for
            DOS system calls.
QB45ENER.HLP        File containing    on-line    help information dealing with
            the QuickBASIC environment and error messages.
NOEM.OBJ        (NO EMulation).    An object file to link with BASIC
            programs that will always be run on machines with an
            8087 or    80287 math coprocessor chip.  Linking with
            NOEM.OBJ turns off software emulation of the math
            chip's function, and reduces the size of the
            executable file.
SMALLERR.OBJ        An object file to link with BASIC programs that    do
            not require run-time error messages. Linking with
            SMALLERR.OBJ reduces the size of executable files
            that do    not need run-time error    messages.
PATCH87.EXE        The utility which fixes some problems which occur
            when using MS-DOS 3.20, a hard drive, a math
            coprocessor, and floating point math.  See the
            README.DOC file for details.
FIXSHIFT.COM        A terminate-and-stay-resident program that fixes a bug
            in the ROM BIOS    of some    machines with keyboards that
            have an    extra set of DIRECTION (i.e. arrow) keys, in
            addition to those on the numeric keypad. See README.DOC
            for more information.
MSHERC.COM        The driver file    for use    with computers equipped with
            a Hercules(R) Graphics Card, Graphics Card Plus,
            Hercules InColor Card, or 100%-compatible clones of
            these graphics cards.  This file allows you to write
            screen mode 3 for graphics in BASIC programs.
MOUSE.COM        The Mouse driver for use with QuickBASIC programs
            that call mouse functions.
QB45ADVR.HLP        File containing on-line help information on QuickBASIC.
\ADVR_EX        A directory containing BASIC programs cited in the
            on-line help.
   ******** \ADVR_EX directory contents ********
   CALL_EX.BAS        Illustrates using the CALL statement
   CHR_EX.BAS        Illustrates using the the CHR$ function
   CMD_EX.BAS        Illustrates using the the COMMAND$ function
   COM1_EX.BAS        Illustrates using the the COMMON and CHAIN statements
   COM2_EX.BAS        Module used in COM1_EX.BAS above
   CSR_EX.BAS        Illustrates using the the CSRLIN function
   DECL_EX.BAS        Illustrates using the DECLARE statement
   DEFFN_EX.BAS        Illustrates using the DEF FN statement
   DEFSG_EX.BAS        Illustrates using the DEF SEG, PEEK, and POKE statements
   DRAW_EX.BAS        Illustrates using the DRAW statement
   FUNC_EX.BAS        Illustrates using FUNCTION...END FUNCTION
   OUT_EX.BAS        Illustrates using the OUT statement
   SHARE_EX.BAS        Illustrates using the SHARED statement
   SHELL_EX.BAS        Illustrates using the SHELL statement
   STAT_EX.BAS        Illustrates using the STATIC statement
   SUB_EX.BAS        Illustrates using SUB...END SUB
   TYPE_EX.BAS        Illustrates using TYPE..END TYPE
   UBO_EX.BAS        Illustrates using the UBOUND and LBOUND functions
   UCASE_EX.BAS        Illustrates using the UCASE$ function
   WINDO_EX.BAS        Illustrates using the WINDOW statement
Quote:We can make up .zips that are as close as possible to the origional versions. We can include an extra directory with extra examples, a notice about how the qmunity is alive and kicking so if you need help you can visit these places etc, to really help the communities chance of survival at the same time Smile

Sounds good to me ! A sort of distribution (like in the GNU world), non official as for MS, but officialised by an international community that provides a real support to users through the web.
hink Global, Make Symp' All ! ®
[Image: Banner.gif]
Yep Smile

So... qb45: Dav's posted a list, does anyone's version of QB have all of these files? I'll check mine now.

[edit]I'm missing heaps of those, in particular all of the .bas files...[/edit]
You will find the first part of the examples in the QB4.0 zipfile I sent you, Oracle (in a directory called source in a sub-zip).

What I don't have is the *_EX.bas... but Nathan seems to have them ???
Directorio de E:\Compila\QB45\ADVR_EX

06/08/2001  17:42    <DIR>          .
06/08/2001  17:42    <DIR>          ..
20/08/1990  11:00             2.003 CALL_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00               999 CHR_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00             1.693 CMD_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00               465 COM1_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00               317 COM2_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00               647 CSR_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00               764 DECL_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00               270 DEFFN_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00               995 DEFSG_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00               979 DRAW_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00               436 FUNC_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00             1.006 OUT_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00               745 SHARE_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00             1.332 SHELL_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00             1.016 STAT_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00               369 SUB_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00             1.794 TYPE_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00               413 UBO_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00               787 UCASE_EX.BAS
20/08/1990  11:00               759 WINDO_EX.BAS
              20 archivos         17.789 bytes
hink Global, Make Symp' All ! ®
[Image: Banner.gif]

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